Výhody O.K. Trans Praha


  • Guarantee and post-guarantee repairs of DAF vehicles

  • Installation and service of independent heaters, repairs and filling of air conditioners

  • Preparation for the state technical inspection and emissions measurement

  • Sales of oils and lubricants ENI Austria

  • Authorisation and licences for servicing SAF and BPW axles and complete mandatory equipment

O.K. Trans - servis vozidel

Repair Work

  • Repairs of crashed cars and provision of contract towing services

  • Repairs of the major part of trailer truck brands: Iveco, MAN, Mercedes, Renault, Scania, Volvo

  • Repairs of VDL/BOVA buses

  • Repairs of all types of trailer trucks

O.K. Trans Praha - diagnostika


  • Verification of VDO tachographs

  • Verification of VDO tachographs

  • Laser measurement of axle geometry

  • Diagnostics - complete diagnostics using Jaltest/Bosch/Davie4 devices

  • Diagnostics of Knor, Wabco, Haldex air systems

DAF servis partner

DAF Service Partner™

The service centres in Chýně and Roudnice nad Labem are authorised DAF service centres, including ITS – International Truck Service.

O.K. Trans Servis is also part of the Panav service network.

Our service centres

Operation time
Monday to Friday: 6:00 am – 10:00 pm
Saturday: 6:00 am – 2:00 pm

Service in Chýně

  • Guarantee and post-guarantee repairs of DAF vehicles
  • Brake inspection - cylinder test bench
  • Installation and service of independent heaters, repairs and filling of air conditioners
  • Preparation for the state technical inspection and emissions measurement
  • Laser measurement of axle geometry
  • Repairs of crashed cars and provision of contract towing services
  • Verification of VDO 1381 tachographs
  • Repairs of the major part of trailer truck brands: Iveco, MAN, Mercedes, Renault, Scania, Volvo
  • Repairs of VDL/BOVA buses with DAF engines
  • Repairs of all types of trailer truck brands: Fliegl, Krone, Panav, Schmitz Cargobull, Schwarzmüller, Van Hool
  • Sales of ENI oils and lubricants
  • Authorisation and licences for servicing SAF and BPW axles and complete mandatory equipment
  • Service area - three long "channel" parking places, one flat parking place, two small assembly pits
  • Diagnostics - complete diagnostics on Jaltest (universal) and Davie (original DAF diagnostics), VCADS diagnostics for VOLVO vehicles
  • Diagnostics of Knor, Wabco, Haldex air systems
  • Eberspächer and Webasto diagnostics for independent heating

Operation time
Monday to Friday: 6:00 am – 10:00 pm
Saturday: 6:00 am – 12:00 noon

Services in Roudnice nad Labem


  • Guarantee and post-guarantee repairs of DAF vehicles
  • After-sales service of "frigo" sets
  • Installation and service of independent heaters, repairs and filling of air conditioners
  • Preparation for the Technical Inspection Service
  • Laser measurement of axle geometry
  • Repairs of crashed cars and provision of contract towing services
  • Repairs of the major part of trailer truck brands: Iveco, MAN, Mercedes, Renault, Scania, Volvo
  • Repairs of VDL/BOVA buses with DAF, MAN engines
  • Repairs of all types of trailer truck brands: Fliegl, Krone, Panav, Schmitz Cargobull, Schwarzmüller, Van Hool
  • Sales of ENI oils and lubricants
  • Authorisation and licences for servicing SAF and BPW axles and complete mandatory equipment
  • Service area - two long "channel" parking places, one flat parking place
  • Diagnostics - complete diagnostics using WABCO-Würth (universal) and Davie (original DAF diagnostics) devices
  • Diagnostics of Knor, Wabco, Haldex air systems
  • Eberspächer and Webasto diagnostics for independent heating
Operation time Monday to Friday: 6:00 am – 1:00 pm

Service in Lysá nad Labem

  • Repairs of all large goods vehicle brands: Iveco, MAN, Mercedes, Renault, Scania, Volvo, Tatra, Avia
  • Repairs of all types of trailer truck brands: Fliegl, Krone, Panav, Schmitz Cargobull, Schwarzmüller, Van Hool
  • Repairs of all bus brands
  • Repairs of crashed cars and provision of contract towing services
  • Sales of ENI oils and lubricants
  • Diagnostics - complete diagnostics using BOSCH Truck (universal) devices
  • Preparation for the Technical Inspection Service and its performance
  • Sale of car parts and accessories for passenger cars and large goods vehicles
O.K. Trans has its own service vehicle for the DAF brand as well as for other types of services. Payments in cash, by invoice, by credit card.

Sale of spare parts

Our branches of O.K. Trans Service will take care of a complete supply of spare parts from the DAF/TRP portfolio, as well as all other brands from various suppliers, to help you get your vehicle back in service quickly.

Spare parts sales in Chýně

  • Original DAF and TRP parts
  • Original SAF, BPW, Panav, VDL/Bova parts
  • Replacement of original parts of all brands (secondary production)

Spare parts sales in Roudnice nad Labem

  • Original DAF and TRP parts
  • Original SAF, BPW, Panav, VDL/Bova parts
  • Replacement of original parts of all brands (secondary production)

Sale of spare parts in Lysá nad Labem

  • Sale of spare parts in Lysá nad Labem
  • Complete range of spare parts for passenger cars, trucks
  • ENI oils and lubricants, car fluids and technical sprays
  • Car care products and car chemicals
  • Car batteries


+420 311 608 104
Hlavní 182

Lysá nad Labem

+420 728 920 874
Poděbradova 1751
Lysá nad Labem

Roudnice nad Labem

+420 416 815 115
Areál MALISPED, 9. května 2060
413 01 Podlusky, Roudnice nad Labem
Služby servisu

CUSTOMER SERVICE - ITS SERVICE +420 725 181 525 (non-stop)

Receiving Technician, Chýně

František Košťál / Michal Kovář / Lubomír Hanák

+420 311 608 101
+420 725 181 525 24/H

Receiving Technician, Roudnice nad Labem

Receiving Technician, Lysá nad Labem

Receiving Technician, Chlumec nad Cidlinou

Your partner for
service of DAF, Iveco, MAN, Mercedes, Renault, Scania, Volvo and others

O.K. Trans - servis tahačů
Repairs of the major part of trailer truck brands: Iveco, MAN, Mercedes, Renault, Scania, Volvo

Diagnostics - complete diagnostics using Jaltest devices

Guarantee and post-guarantee repairs of DAF vehicles

Brake inspection - cylinder test bench

I would like to order SERVICE

You can order SERVICE with us during working days from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. Make your order via the given phone number (or by e-mail) or by filling in the form on the right.

Business contact information

+420 311 608 444

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