Zdeněk Tomášek s.r.o. will merge with O.K. TRANS PRAHA spol. s r.o. at the beginning of 2023
Dear business partners and associates,
we would like to inform you of a significant change at O.K. Trans Praha and Zdeněk Tomášek following two years of mutual cooperation of which you were probably aware.
Now comes the most important and official part.
Effective from 1 January 2023, Zdeněk Tomášek s.r.o. Company ID No: 27508986 will merge with O.K. Trans Praha spol. s r.o., Company ID No.: 00473251. Zdeněk Tomášek s.r.o. will be dissolved on 31 December 2022 and its successor will be O.K. Trans Praha spol. s r.o., which is part of O.K. Trans Holding s.r.o.
With this change, we will be able to offer our customers thirty years of experience of a stable Czech logistics company. Of course, the merger will expand the O.K. Trans Praha fleet to 463 trailers of all types, from tarpaulin-covered to frigo refrigerated semi-trailers, and specials intended, for example, for the transport of pharmaceuticals.
O.K. Trans also offers warehousing services in its own and secured warehouse facilities, distribution, customs and tax warehouses, registration of parties required to label alcohol, customs declaration services, DAF authorised service centres in Chýně, Roudnice nad Labem and a services station in Lysá nad Labem, Lutonina, Chlumec nad Cidlinou.
The company and holding’s head office will remain in Chýně u Prahy, but we also offer facilities and trained personnel at our other branches in Chýně, Otrokovice, Lysá nad Labem, Chlumec nad Cidlina, Lipnice, Lutonina and Terassa near Barcelona, i.e. where Zdeněk Tomášek could not previously offer services.
Our leading and long-term customers include companies not only of Czech, but also European and global importance such as Continental, Bridgestone, Volkswagen, Coca-Cola, Kimberly-Clark and Haribo.
The current team at the Chlumec nad Cidlinou branch will continue to take care of you in the same way you were used to at Zdeněk Tomášek, but under the O.K. Trans Praha brand.
Here are the administrative details related to this change.
Company’s registered office and billing information:
O.K. Trans Praha spol. s r.o.
Hlavní 182
253 01, Chýně, Praha – západ
Tax (VAT) No.: CZ00473251
Tel.no.: 311 679 666
New bank accounts can be found on tax documents.
Address of Chlumec nad Cidlinou branch
O.K. Trans Praha spol. s r.o. – Chlumec nad Cidlinou branch
9.května 171
503 51, Chlumec nad Cidlinou
If you have any questions, please contact O.K. Trans Praha at obchod@oktrans.cz or on telephone number
311 608 128
In Chlumec nad Cidlinou, 1 December 2022
Martin Hrubý Jiří Šiška
Managing Director of Zdeněk Tomášek s.r.o. new Fleet Manager, Chlumec nad Cidlinou